A new quiz for the New Year. Perfect for anyone who loves a fun “fact” (Not just massage therapists). Instant results, free to play, and new quizzes every month. Ready to see how you stack up? Jump in and start quizzing!
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Correct. It was found that the human hand-mimicking MiBOT produced similar outcomes
to human massage decreasing overall blood pressure, and slowing the participant’s heart
Oops, but hey..I would have called it R2-D2.
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Correct! James Taylor revealed in an interview, that Carol King told him she was inspired
to write ‘You’ve Got A Friend”, as a positive response to the “Fire and Rain” lyric “I’ve seen
lonely times when I could not find a friend”. Carol’s response was “Here’s your friend”.
Sorry, wrong answer, but we can still be friends.
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Grapes. Correct. The tradition of las doce uvas de la suerte begun in the late 19 th century,
and is believed to ward off evil spirits.
Nope, but I’d happily eat 12 of any of those!
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Furniture. Correct. The tradition of throwing furniture out of the windows is to symbolise
letting go of the past, and welcoming in the possibilities that the new year brings.
Not quite. The correct answer might well be where the meaning of hard rubbish came from.
True or False
Yes. You absolutely should mention the potential lesion to your client at an appropriate
time after the session. Your actions could save their life!
If you got this one wrong, you might consider doing our course on this subject.
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Correct! Mark Tarpenning and Martin Eberhard founded Tesla (just in case you thought it
was someone else).
Don’t worry, I got this one wrong too.
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Isaac Newton. Correct! What a conversation piece that would be. So many puns!
Brace yourself, this answer is incorrect.
True or False
Correct. The Swedish Zoo in question, also had an Avant-Guard dog.
Sorry, you can brush that one off as it’s incorrect.
True or False
Correct. The phrase “Put a sock in it”, Began as a way of saying the gramophone was too
loud. Because gramophones didn’t have volume knobs, people would stuff socks into the
horn to decrease the volume.
Much like socks, where one is always right and the other left, this answer is ..not right.
Select one answer
Fear of long words. Correct. The exemplary application of cognitive function of your
frontal cortex is positively gromphibberous.
Incorrect. Let’s hope you don’t have atelophobia, which is the fear of getting an answer wrong.
True or False
Correct. It’s thought that the low-frequency humming could be a form of ‘contact call’
between individuals who have been separated from their herd, helping them to find each
other in the dark.
I wish furniture would hum in the dark so I don’t stub my toe on them.
How did you do? Did you ace those fun facts, or did a couple of them surprise you? Either way, don’t worry—there’s always next time! Be sure to check back next month for a fresh batch of fun facts and questions. We’ll be updating them monthly, so keep testing your knowledge (and your funny bone)! See you then!