So now that you’ve had a sneak peek at our video, let’s have a look at some of the interactive elements of our courses.
All of our courses contain interactive elements to make your experience more engaging. We try to mix it up a bit.
The example featured here is an interactive hot-spot. Click on the “hot-spots” in the image .
Click on each hot-spot to reveal more information.
A hot-spot image always contains several spots you need to click on, so make sure you find them all.
Make sure you don’t miss hot-spots, or you won’t be able to move on to the next lesson.
Well that was easy! Ready to try something else?
The next image is a flip card. Try it out.
Flip the card .
You will find more information on the back of these cards.
If you have watched the video, read all the text and completed all the required interactive elements, you can now move on to the next lesson.